Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. Hope everyone enjoys the tricks and treats.
Me, I'm getting some Cider, Resse's Pieces and Queuing up my Horror Movie Marathon!

So, what's your plans for this rainy day?

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Ok, I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year.

What is NaNoWriMo you ask? It's really quite simple, and I'm going to explain it for all you nonwriter/writer cave dwellers. NaNoWriMo is where a writer (that's me!) decides they're going to swallow a dose of crazy pills and write 50,000 thousand words in the month of November. This happens across the country. That's why it's called National Novel Writing Month. The winners get the fuzzy paranoia and sleep deprived feeling that is associated with lack of sleep and too much caffeine. Oh and they get a shiny badge to put on their website.
So wish me luck!

Oh, and here's a funny video I found explaining Halloween:


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Query Returns

Well, as you guys know, I sent a query off roughly a month ago, and I got back the responce. It was a rejection and it's better than I thought. The world didn't end, and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. So, It's off to the editor station again. ciao.

You can read that post here

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bombs away.

Warning this post is going to contain mature language. Please be advised.

So I was checking my facebook  when I came upon this story  in my newsfeed.

According to the article in the Sun a fourteen year old girl, Anais Fourneir suffered a heart attack two days before christmas last year and died due to caffeine toxicity after drinking two 24oz Monsters. She had a pre-existing condition that weakens the blood vessel.
Now her family is suing Monster Energy for the death of the daughter.

This brings up two questions.

1. What the fuck were the parents thinking letting a fourteen year old, who they knew had a pre-existing condition, drink two Monsters, or any Monster at all? I'm nineteen and the only time I drink the 24oz cans is when I really need caffeine, and then I don't even drink pop or tea for that matter for a day afterwards to get it out of my system.
They say right on the can. Do not drink if sensitive to caffeine. The parents should have know not to buy these for their kid, and it's their fault for purchasing it. Energy drinks in general should be regulated but in this case poor parenting played a role in the kid's death as much as the energy drink.
2. Why are they just now suing Monster?
Her death happened almost a year ago, I think the only reason they're suing them now is because a statute of limitations is about to run out. If it were my kid I don't even think I'd want to sue them. I'd just want to forget about the whole debacle and move on with my life.

Now that I've worked myself up into foaming mouth theatrics, I need a mountain dew.

Happy Trails.


Friday, October 5, 2012

What I been doing number 3

Yes I know the post title is grammatically incorrect but its sorta grown on me. Anyhow, I've been working on redoing my query letter. I found out I can't write one worth a damn so that's a work in progress. Midterms are coming because college is evil like that. God, two finals in a year and four midterms. I'm longing for a Monster already! And finally I've been working on a very sekrit project. Which I'll post in a bit, or never depending on how it works out. Now that's it. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to blare a little music, drink another bottle of water, and relax for the night. Then tomorrow I am going to began studying for the horror that is world history, and I might just do my English paper while I'm at it!

Happy Trails