Monday, December 26, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
This week in fiction.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
████ ███████ ████ be ██████ if ████ ████ is ██████
Monday, November 7, 2011
My Inheritence theories.
Keep in mind, I'm still waiting for the book to come out so these are some of my theories that I've
put together
Arya will be the green rider, or Elva
Arya and Eragon fall in love and she dies, thus the romance thing
Eragon will leave alagaesia forever to teach the rider school at vroengard.
Roran will be king of the Varden/Alagaesia
Nasuada will be overthrown
Saphira and thorn will fall in love.
The Rock of Kuthian is a ginormous Eldunari
The Vault of Souls is a place for spirits to live, and while there eragon visits/talks to brom.
Murtaugh kills Galby, sacrificing himself or thorn to do so, sort of like the Palpatine/ Vader scene at the end of Return of the Jedi.
EDIT: Highlight below for spoilers
Yeah, its been like a month, but lets see.
I was right on the first one
1/2 Right on the second
Semi right on the third
Eeh, he rules carvahall now
Sorta Kinda right about the RoK (It's a vault of eggs/eldunari/)
Sadly, no.
Monday, October 17, 2011
This Week in Fiction: Darke By Angie Sage
Friday, October 14, 2011
Just Venting
Sunday, October 9, 2011
This Week in Fiction, well actually this month.
The first three are part of series by Kevin Hearne called the Iron Druid Chronicles it is as a qoute from the amazon page. "Atticus O’Sullivan, last of the Druids, lives peacefully in Arizona, running an occult bookshop and shape-shifting in his spare time to hunt with his Irish wolfhound. His neighbors and customers think that this handsome, tattooed Irish dude is about twenty-one years old—when in actuality, he’s twenty-one centuries old. Not to mention: He draws his power from the earth, possesses a sharp wit, and wields an even sharper magical sword known as Fragarach, the Answerer." This is probably the best adult urban fantasy series I've seen since the Dresden Files. The fourth book is due out in early 2012
Friday, September 16, 2011
Testing BlogJet
I have installed an interesting application - BlogJet. It's a cool Windows client for my blog tool (as well as for other tools). Get your copy here:
"Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination." -- Albert Einstein
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #3) by Maggie Stiefvater | A Casual Reader
'via Blog this'
Monday, August 29, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Twimore, Pottermore and me pissed more.
And Dude, your banner? Creepy.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
This Week in Fiction. 8-22-2011 to 8/29/2011
This week's book is Skinwalker (Jane Yellowrock, Book 1)
I like how Faith Hunter. the author of the book, portrays Vampires and she is very descriptive, I've never been to the French Quarter, where the novel is written, but I could almost smell the boudin balls frying and here the people talking. She needs to work on her action scenes and I would like to read more about how her witch's magic system works. The Question is, would I reread it? Not likely.
I give this book 8.5 out of 10 stars for excellent descriptions, and well thought out characters.
Join me next week when I review the third Wolves of Mercy falls series.
Friday, August 19, 2011
A new way to do things.
Friday, August 5, 2011
My fifteen minutes with scrivener.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
A new way to Post
Until then
Happy Trails
Friday, March 11, 2011
Why is it the more gruesome an event in history the more people want to honor it?
For example, in a city close to mine the local fire department is obtaining a
Yes, that’s right, the twin freaking towers, you know the whole big WTSHTF our country getting invaded and one of our biggest cities, not to mention the pentagon and the white house, almost.
Anyhow, a few of the city’s firemen is going before April to
They are going to create a memorial and this September, a decade exactly after the 9/11 attacks, dedicate it to the community.
To raise funds for this “momentous occasion” they are going to sell bricks for 150 bucks apiece.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEIR HEADS! To me September 11th was a tragedy, not something that should be memorialized in some small insignificant hicktown like a circus sideshow.
This would be like me taking a piece of the USS Arizona off of the Pearl Harbor Memorial and taking it back to where I live.
Right now someone is probably saying.
“But they’re firefighters.”
I don’t care! For three generations my dad’s side of the family has been in the army, does that give me rights to take a piece of the Vietnam Memorial Wall? I am also American, does that mean I can have a piece of the Declaration of Independence or since I lived in
There is a fine line between remembering a tragedy and showboating.. I think they’ve crossed it. This, to me, is like taking a piece of a graveyard and hanging it up on a billboard. This is morbid, crass and hicktown idiocy at it’s finest.